I know folks are scrolling around, awaiting my new fictional story "The Lesson" as well as my latest entry in ESpeakeasy. Believe me, I am working on it.
However, I'd like to direct your attention to my new blog: WhereDidOurLoveGo.blogspot.com in which I can primarily focus on issues and stories that deal with life and love. There's also a couple new entries in BidKidsGadgets.blogspot.com that might prove helpful to you or a friend.
I promised a friend down in Florida, that I would write my story on an outdoor Winter Wilderness experience I had in high school. However, my next two dramatic, fictional stories for this blog and on ESpeakeasy must come first. They do take time to write and edit (and re-edit even after I publish). Then I will be freed up for some humor from my past. So sit back and relax. Just keep on checking up. Some more good stuff is on the way!
Just in time for the holidays...
However, I'd like to direct your attention to my new blog: WhereDidOurLoveGo.blogspot.com in which I can primarily focus on issues and stories that deal with life and love. There's also a couple new entries in BidKidsGadgets.blogspot.com that might prove helpful to you or a friend.
I promised a friend down in Florida, that I would write my story on an outdoor Winter Wilderness experience I had in high school. However, my next two dramatic, fictional stories for this blog and on ESpeakeasy must come first. They do take time to write and edit (and re-edit even after I publish). Then I will be freed up for some humor from my past. So sit back and relax. Just keep on checking up. Some more good stuff is on the way!
Just in time for the holidays...