A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...
A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

Saturday, August 10, 2013

My Son...A Chip Off The Old Block In Florida

"My Son...A Chip Off The Old Block In Florida..."
by John S LES

I know that my personal life stories are among my most popular writings on this blog.  That being said, I am quite happy to share yet another family story that occurred this past week while I was vacationing with my family in Florida.  However, my next post will deal with some political revelations that I discovered while traveling across Florida.

So before we get to the political stuff, here's a humorous moment that occurred with me and the family while in a restaurant in Sarasota.

From the moment we landed in Florida, my son who is six years of age, kept bumping into things, tripping and falling at least once a day.  However, it was on our 4th day in Florida that he out did himself.  While my daughters, my wife and myself sat a table awaiting our lunch order, my son kept fidgeting on and off his chair.  He would sit halfway on it, stand up, sit down, squirm, etc.  We warned him several times to sit still in his chair, but he would only listen for a few minutes and then repeat his fidgeting.  Well, on one of his fidgets, his behind did indeed miss his chair.  To the surprise of us (and other patrons in the restaurant who happened to be paying attention to him) he does a head over heels, feet up in the air, Chevy Chase like pratfall.  Now you see him, now you don't - as he fell backwards.

Although people around us flinched to see if he was okay, the rest of the family and myself took a more relaxed reaction to see if he was okay.  We dusted him off, and checked him out and made sure that he wasn't hurt - and he wasn't.  He was actually more embarrassed because he could see that people were now watching him.  In addition, he was embarrassed because he thought we were going to yell at him for not sitting properly in his chair.

So he finally sat down properly in his chair with a sad face.  I just couldn't help my self to try to seize the moment and highlight the fact that his restless, bad behavior was probably from his mother's side of the family.  I proudly boasted to my wife and daughters that I was much a quieter and calmer kid when I was his age.  I then began to recall the "bad things" that I did at his age, thinking to myself that they would pale in comparison to my son's behavior.  So I continued with my declaration, "Let's see, when I was 4 years old, I helped set my mother's apartment on fire.  When I was 5 years old, I foolishly ran up to the kitchen table, slipped and fell and knocked out my two front teeth clean out of my mouth (costing her corrective dental procedures years later).  And when I was 6 years old, I put my grandfather's car in reverse while it was parked on the hill of the driveway at his house and nearly sent the car into a 10 foot ditch, some 80 feet away.  Luckily a cousin ran out and jumped into the car and was able to put the car back in park before the disaster."

It was at this very moment that I had an epiphany and realized that if I were my own son, I would have killed myself by now.  I then looked at my family sitting at the table.  All eyes were still staring at me, but those eyes were also straining to keep from laughing at my ridiculous outburst.

I then looked over at my son and said, "So son, I guess you aren't so bad after all, because I was clearly a lunatic at your age." 

About a half hour after our lunch was over, I called my mother and thanked her for not shortening my life for all the grief that I caused her in my first six years of living.

I did calm down by about age 8 or 9, and never really walked too much of a checked path after that.  Reflecting back at those early stages of my life, made me truly appreciate the struggles my mother went through with me.  God bless you mom.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

More Views From Florida

More views from Florida as we traveled across the state.  The following picture locations are in reverse order. The first is from my balcony in Sarasota.  The second picture was taken looking at downtown Tampa during a walk near the area.  The third and last picture was taken during dinner at a restaurant in Orlando. 

 The breeze coming off the water was a little better in Sarasota, than it was in Vero Beach days earlier.

 Downtown Tampa was actually very, very nice.  So much water.  So many boating things to do.  Short walks or rides to just about anywhere and great food!  I could get spoiled living in a city like this!

Two Floridian drinks to cool down our bodies in Orlando during a festive dinner.  They also helped the parents with their aggression management among their kids.  That's just a joke.  Were the only two of four that we have had so far during this whole trip.  The rest has been lemonades, smoothies, slushies and plenty of water.  We're always conscious of setting a proper example for the kids.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Florida Vacation Trip

So a vacation trip with the family the past few days has been filled with a lot of fun, a lot of Florida sun, as well as the Floridian humidity.  The trip turned out to be a little more than I bargained for in terms of experiencing some things on a social level that are indicative of life just about everywhere.  My trip has covered Vero Beach and Orlando so far with one more stop to go.  Overall, Floridians have been extremely nice and in the resort areas - seem to have a world of life experience outside of the immediate area of Orlando.  Here is a sampling of the pictures.

Universal Studios has been great.  Everyone working there and attending have just been superb.  This is actually my third trip into Disney with my kids.  Each trip has been great.  It is also great to see the progress of the overall themes.

Over in Vero Beach, I was trying to figure out why anyone would need a warning sign to tell them this...but...then again...people can be either forgetful, unknowing...or just plain crazy.  So I guess this sign had to be put up.

A view from my hotel balcony.  Nice view of the storms passing through over the Orlando area.  It is beautiful and humbling at the same time, as you realize all the powerful natural forces that are constantly at work on our living planet.  

Okay...that was just a sampling.  I have been working on a more lengthy column to describe my driving experience from Orlando to Vero Beach and back.  Hopefully I will finish it tonight.  I hope all of my readers are enjoying this summer 2013 as well.  Come back soon.  There's more to come on this Florida trip.