A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...
A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Best Way To Quiet The Critics...

The chances we take as we walk through life.  It's like walking a tightrope from high above without the benefit of a safety net.  Sometimes the best way to quiet the critics around you is to simply do whatever it is that you do best.  When success comes your way...the silence of your critics can be very pleasing.

Yessss I'm baccck!  I didn't go anywhere folks.  I concentrated my efforts mostly on my www.WhereDidOurLoveGo.blogspot.com as well as the newer blogs that I've mentioned in the past, in blog world.  If you've been following me for the past almost two full years, then you already know what I've been doing.  Even when I wasn't posting on this blog, some of you and (perhaps some new faces as well) still have visited this blog and read through some of my past posts.  That is remarkable and I am humbled as I have kept track of the stats.

In addition to building up my other blogs, I also have been on a personal journey to get my body back into the great shape that it used to be in prior to me suffering a herniated disc in my back after being hit by a car.  So...since the middle of September of 2013, I have lost 46 pounds and ran a half marathon just a week ago.  Not bad for a 49 year old working man.

My newest blogs both have a couple hundreds of hits and my WhereDidOurLoveGo blog is now clearly established nationally and internationally as a complete art piece.  The pictures and accompanying poems have stirred conversations among friends at work, home, and in chat rooms.

Thank you to all of my readers.  Sorry if any of you felt that I had given up or completely stopped.  Nope.  I was just right next door working my other gigs.  Go read and see what might be of entertainment, interest or insight to you.  But, rest assured - I am back!