A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...
A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"Who I am" by Jenny Cando

This brilliant and original poem was written by a reader who has now become a good friend the past several months.  Here's another great poem for breast cancer awareness month.  Please do enjoy.

"Who I Am"

by Jenny Cando

After my shower I got again depressed.
I need to tell this to get off my chest.

I don't like the reflection in the mirror.
Each time I see them, my pain becomes clearer.

This is not how my breasts are supposed to be.
They don't look like those on the magazine covers I see.

They are not full and plump, and they are not round.
They are not the perfect pink, tan or chocolate brown.

I worry they're not symmetrical or spherical
So I press them in a bra that promised some miracles.

For the lady on the magazine cover that bra looks fine.
But oh my God, not on mine, oh mine.

I put on a shirt big and that's nice and wide
Not because I like it, but so I can try and hide

These clothes that are suppose to make me feel...
feminine and desired...
Instead make me reel...their designers should be fired.

No matter where I look in the media I can only see
Those perfect breasts...they just keep haunting me.

Billboards, newspapers, movies or TV - society is so mean.
Even the on my phone and laptop - they shake and titillate on my screen

No, I don't look like that at all.
I'm not that poster on the wall.

The media is telling me how I should be
And if I am not, then do I need surgery?

But does all of that and all of this - make me who I am?
No.  I'm so much more than just these two mammary glands.

Then who am I - no - WHO I AM?
Today I am a woman who is now taking a stand.