When I was a little boy growing up, I used to think that women had the inside track on expressing love and receiving love. Grown men seem so hard and unable to show their emotions as easily as women.
Now that I'm a grown man, I have learned that although women may be in closer touch with their emotions, they do not have the inside track on love. Although men definitely still need to be in touch with their emotions, I think women have lost their way to love due to modern social pressures. Women deserve the right to their own autonomy with their lives and their bodies.
But when you look at the bright sides of more conservative cultures, it appears that both modern westernize men and women could learn a thing or two about "old, conservative customs". There is a beauty - indeed a lost art to male and female exchanging their own ways of domination and submission without leaving guilt, abuse or damaged feelings in their wake.
We need to use old world and new world information to help build towards more honest, understanding and loving relationships.
Now that I'm a grown man, I have learned that although women may be in closer touch with their emotions, they do not have the inside track on love. Although men definitely still need to be in touch with their emotions, I think women have lost their way to love due to modern social pressures. Women deserve the right to their own autonomy with their lives and their bodies.
But when you look at the bright sides of more conservative cultures, it appears that both modern westernize men and women could learn a thing or two about "old, conservative customs". There is a beauty - indeed a lost art to male and female exchanging their own ways of domination and submission without leaving guilt, abuse or damaged feelings in their wake.
We need to use old world and new world information to help build towards more honest, understanding and loving relationships.