A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...
A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

Friday, February 22, 2013

New York Eastside Entertainment

This is an iconic view of the Empire State building, as viewed from the east side of New York City.  The picture was actually taken from the window of my mother's bedroom.  Despite having spent some years living uptown in Harlem, it is my remembrances of the Lower Eastside and then later the Upper Eastside that stay in my memory.  The people, the stories, the bars, movie stars, the clubs, the event's the "happenings" that all took place over the span of the last 48 years.

Thus, picture's point of view doesn't just represent "home" as in New York City.  This picture truly represents "home" as in the apartment that I grew up in.  I saw the Empire State Building so much that over time, when I was a younger man, I actually took it all for granted.  Now I never will.  No matter where I choose to live out the rest of my life, I know that everything I do has been influenced from this singular point of view of...home.

Although I love Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York" there is just something about Alicia Keys' "New York" that just rings so much more truer and dearer to my heart and my life experiences...

Open this page and click link to see the great YouTube NYC video with Alicia's New York song.


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