A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...
A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Launch of Two New Blogs!

Good day everyone!

It's nice to be back in action.  Even though things are long from being restored overall on Long Island, I am happy that I was able to capture the experience with a few posts.  I actually have a story that explains a life lesson I learned way back during my prep school "Winter Wilderness" experience, which provided some of the learned experiences which assisted me and my family 31 years later in being able to get through that difficult time.

Today I would like to announce the launch of two additional blogs to go along with the two blogs that I've already published.  That brings my total list to four blogs.  Crazy?  Yes!  Worth it?  Yes!

I've met and made so many different friends from this blog, that I began to realize there were other things that occur in my daily life that I wanted to share with them.  I'm a gadget guy and for the past five years, as our mobile technology has kicked into high gear and as I ran into computer problems with my home computers - I decided to educate myself and get into building, fixing my own stuff.  My journey into the tech world has enabled me to assist numerous coworkers, neighbors and relatives in finding the proper electronic device to help them with their lives.  At the insistence of some of those coworkers and relatives, I have now launched the following blog.


After reading various other tech blogs, they invariably become too technical for people I know over 30 years of age, and very little interests in learning about anything technical.  Everyone wants "plug and play" or in this case "turn on and work".  Hopefully I will be able to simply those issues with people as our technological world continues to explode.  Everyone always needs someone who will go read the instructions and then explain how to use the device in as simple a manner as possible.  That guy...will be me.  Check out the blog...and see how it grows.

The other blog I'm launching has to do with stories from people experiences good and evil spirits, live or dead.  You'll decide.


And of course for those who have been following my other blog already:  www.ESpeakeasy.blogspot.com is back.  Expect a new entry on this dalliance into this part real, part fictional world of hedonistic stories that a young group of people encounter on their way of growing into adulthood.

What does the "E" in Speakeasy stand for?  Enjoy the journey of finding out.

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