Yes, it has happened. If you've been reading my blogs, you will notice the changes. More will be coming. You can now hit the right tabs on this blog to connect to all the other blogs. Also that goes the same for the other blogs. Each one has a link for all the others. In addition, there will be more pictures or visuals. Each blog is a separate entity and audience. I'll take any volunteers from whomever would like to either help edit or supply some form of help <laughing out loud>. This has become quite a challenge. I hope I haven't lost a friend or two. I am beyond thankful to those who have bravely stepped in to help me, "my sisters" in recent days, and from the very beginning. Without your feedback, whether it was encouragement or chastising or a creative revelation - I would be stuck in the mud. Thank you, thank you, and thank you a thousand times more!
Anyway, I was watching the history channel last night and they were airing back to back episodes of their series "The Men Who Built America". After watching about 6 episodes throughout the night, it was pretty clear to me that history in this country has clearly repeated itself. Everything that we are experiencing has been experienced almost in exactitude more than 100 years ago. It's worth watching and educating ourselves to this repeat. Especially the episode that deals with the presidential election of 1896. If you really want to blow away the socks of a loud mouth spewing hate or nonsense out of their mouths today...put this link below in their mouths and tell them not to choke on it and move on.
As one modern wealthy guy said in the video, "The names of players and the tools in the game may have changed, but the game itself hasn't change. The game is still the game even today."
It's time now we just pull together and get to work and do our jobs!
Prior to all the above events, I promised the roll out of a story that I was pretty keen on producing here in this blog. I'm going to put that on the back burner and push forward a short story that I feel is more relevant to today's times and the evolution of our world.
That story is entitled "The Lesson". I hope everyone will be looking forward to it. I know I am looking forward to writing it on here to be read. Have a great, great weekend everyone!
Anyway, I was watching the history channel last night and they were airing back to back episodes of their series "The Men Who Built America". After watching about 6 episodes throughout the night, it was pretty clear to me that history in this country has clearly repeated itself. Everything that we are experiencing has been experienced almost in exactitude more than 100 years ago. It's worth watching and educating ourselves to this repeat. Especially the episode that deals with the presidential election of 1896. If you really want to blow away the socks of a loud mouth spewing hate or nonsense out of their mouths today...put this link below in their mouths and tell them not to choke on it and move on.
As one modern wealthy guy said in the video, "The names of players and the tools in the game may have changed, but the game itself hasn't change. The game is still the game even today."
It's time now we just pull together and get to work and do our jobs!
Prior to all the above events, I promised the roll out of a story that I was pretty keen on producing here in this blog. I'm going to put that on the back burner and push forward a short story that I feel is more relevant to today's times and the evolution of our world.
That story is entitled "The Lesson". I hope everyone will be looking forward to it. I know I am looking forward to writing it on here to be read. Have a great, great weekend everyone!
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