A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...
A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Time To Get It Together...Evolution...

Okay...the bad news first.  I have now been able to move around a little bit and speak to neighbors and coworkers about their own personal ordeal, or family members and neighbors ordeals with this disaster.  The more I see, the more sad and stinging reality of the destruction.  After also watching Youtube videos, I now know what the world was viewing during the 10 days that when I was without power.  I can assure you that for all of us here, we universally feel like we're missing a week's worth of days.  It's hard to believe that we're in the middle of the month of November.  The end of October feels like it never really happened.  Amazing.

The United States also had it's elections during this disaster.  President Obama has retained his presidency.  Most of the Congress and Senate positions and balance numbers has remained the same.  There is a threat of more governmental impasse as the two major political parties are squaring off to hold their positions.  And now as of today's date, some 40 states have filings to secede.  So instead of working together as a nation, it is better to drift a part?  That is the negative thinking of folks whose egos have exceeded their common sense.  It's the same thinking that comes to mind when you have drunk family members fighting at a family gathering.  Instead of cooling off and sobering up, everyone wants to start outing their dirty laundry on one other.  "The ego goeth before the fall" folks.

The United States and this world is one family.  This disaster has taught my block just that.  For the most part, the immediate neighbors kept pulling together...everyday.  Even coworkers via text messages, Twitter or Facebook or phone calls.  Everyone kept helping one another know where gas was, where a tree might be down or a dangerous condition was ahead.

One friend even posted this news link on his blog to discuss the matter:


We all need to drop our egos and fanning the words of hate and anger and simply work together.  Not just because of hurricane disaster or results from a recent political election.  We need to pull together simply because we need to survive.  The United States and this world needs to EVOLVE.  As a neighborhood, as a city, a county, a state, a nation and a planet.  That's pretty much the end of it.  Thinking any other way is thinking within your own self and not for the overall good of your world around you.  Should I have carried a bat or gun to get gas in a line of 50 people last week?  What signals would I have sent to the other people in line or the police who were standing nearby?

We were in crisis and it was time to get it together, not rip it apart.  I've never "loved" a politician at any time of my life.  Why start now?  I think I might have been more infatuated with past Playboy Bunnies rather than be so worked up about a politician.  I'm 47, and I've seen quite a few of them come and go.  Some for better.  Some for worse.  But at the end of the day, our city, our state, our nation must go on.

Now onto the happier news.  It appears that I'm being challenged by Google to make changes, as they make constant changes in their universe.  Thus between their fluctuation and my own goals, I'm being challenged to expand my writings to a broader audience and not just pockets of friends from life, work, Facebook, social chat sites.   I hope everyone will remember that my overall goal isn't to cheapen or trivialize anything in our human experience.  My overall goal is to try to share knowledge about life experiences and to foster positive dialog between people where possible.  I try to do that in an entertaining fashion so that people feel more at ease in expressing themselves.

ESpeakeasy is not going to be set up to objectify women (or men) or trivialize the club scene or people who make bad decisions, and live life on the outer boundaries.  The goal of ESpeakeasy is sort of an intellectual gossip about pleasure seeking and the lessons learned there of.  TheDarksideStories is not a trivial play of those of us who believe in ghostly spirits, black magic or werewolves and vampires.   Nor is it an attack on or disrespect of monotheistic religion.  Lastly, BigKidsGadgets is not the know all, end all to the technology industry.  I hold no degrees in computer science.  I discovered what I know and talk about...one mistake at a time.  I also read up on things.  Many of the things I continue to read up on would put most of my friends to sleep.  That's why so many of them have come to me over the past several years for help.  I just explain it as I learn it and keep it as simple as possible.  If you know anyone who could use the information that I cover on a product, just direct them to the blog and hopefully I can help.  Believe me, many of the tech blogs will blow some people away. But I will re-direct anyone there too if they want a more technical explanation, review or instruction.

Lastly to all of my friends whom I might ask for assistance in some way, no matter how CRAZY (chuckle, chuckle) please give me a one month pass.  I now have a full plate.  I can't wear a clown suit to attract folks to ESpeakeasy.  Trying to explain computer or mobile device stuff one day and tell a funny life story on this blog - just won't work either.  So please bear with me.  No demerits necessary.  I have to jump into different suits to communicate to different audience expectations.  But all that I do is about life lessons.  Hopefully there will be positive results at the end of the day.

Evolution has served mankind pretty well for the past 10,000 years.  I've only been at this for five months.  Have a great day/evening.  Peace and love to all.

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