A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...
A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

Monday, March 18, 2013

We're Gonna Run This Town - So Let's KIK it!

I'm introducing some exciting additions to this blog.  First, I will be adding some links to this blog such as this!   These pop up links will help add some sights or sounds to what you are reading to help you get into the mind and mood of what it's like to be a modern day New Yorker. I want your blog reading experience here to be a complete one.  Eyes, ears and hearts involved.  Then share your experience with a friend!

I promised more to come and its coming!  There will be additional short stories added to ESpeakeasy.blogspot.com as some of my current story characters will be referring to ESpeakeasy as a place to go to dance or socialize.  There will be clues left and prizes given out for those who care to follow.  Remember...I'm a gadget type person.  So for those who love gadgets...keep on following.
I'm still toiling through my own website pages.  Capturing the flavor of New York City comes from so many different perspectives.  This is quite a feat when you're more art orientated rather than thinking in a computer programmers mindset on how to merge the two mediums.  I've been blessed to run into some art oriented people the last couple of months.  Their help has been immeasurable.  Now onto the computer people!
For those folks who would like to engage in a more direct chat back and forth, I've now created a means of doing that.  If you have Kik, we can chat.  My Kik address is NYEastsideE.  It's open 24hrs, as I am active throughout any given day or night.  I would love to open the floor for discussion with other writers, New Yorkers or even computer oriented people.  People like to hear about or read the stories of others.  Feel free to share or even write a short and entertaining story of your own "New York City" experience right here.  Message me and let's chat.  If I am delayed for some reason, believe me I will get back to you.  So let's Kik it!


For some of us...this is New York!

And for some of us.... this is also New York!

No matter which way you go...all of the above is New York Eastside Entertainment!  Keep coming back for just that!  Entertainment!  My "world" wide introduction to the Private iTeam is just around the corner!

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