A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...
A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Juicy Mouths!

I believe that there are three types of "Juicy Mouths" in the world.  What do I mean by Juicy Mouths?  Well...why waste time...here it is...

Have you ever sat in the presence of someone who can eat a plate of food, or chew on something in such a manner that they end up making you hungry too?  My mother used to call this type of person a "juicy mouth."

Drives me crazy to sit near someone like that.  When you sit next to them and order lunch, you could be done with your own food, turn and catch them still eating and realize that you didn't enjoy your meal as much as they did.  And why do you end being near these people at the worst times in your life...like a moment when you haven't had a bite to eat yourself...and here comes juicy mouth chomping on a cheeseburger. Makes me just want to walk up to them and slap that burger right out of their hand.

"Don't you realize I'm hungry?  Why did you come over here chewing up on that burger like Jaws right in front of my face?  Now neither of us are going to eat.  We both have to wait 5 more hours for a meal break."

Now I know we've all had this second Juicy Mouth person in our lives too.  Ever have someone chew on a piece of gum like it's a mission?  When I was a kid growing up in New York City, I came across some girls who could chew gum as if it was a circus act.  They could pop it, snap, blow it, suck it back, stretch it out (take it easy fellas, I'm just talking about gum).  And then when that girl walked into a classroom she would be popping and snapping away until she got nailed by the teacher.  Which was usually pretty easy to do.  Just follow the sounds.

Lastly, there was yet a third type of Juicy Mouth.  That is the people who for whatever reason, over salivate while they are talking.  Oh boy.  Stay away from such people when they start saying words with "S" and "Th" sounds! 

"Today's forecast is rain in the office when Mr. Jones starts talking about 'Ships by the Seashore by the Sea, Sink, Slowly, Silly Sally.'"

So there you have it.  Three different types of Juicy Mouths.  If anyone knows of another type of Juicy Mouths that I may have left off this list, please email me. 


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