A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...
A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fictional story..."The Page" ©

"The Page"  

by John S LES  ©

As I sit here typing away on my laptop in Washington, DC, for my blog, I find it hard to believe what took place this long, hot 2012 summer.  The world was nearly brought to its knees by a Messiah from a cult who tried to deliver us world peace by assassinating the world's top leaders with his worshippers.  The world had been caught by surprise, but the better hearts of men and women and...and my snoopiness prevailed.

Even though I'm just a 18 year old page for my local congressman, sometimes that's all that it takes to help set the right energies in motion.  So thanks to my many readers and friends who assisted me in getting the word out there when even our best intelligence professionals around the world refused to believe me as we uncovered the murderous plot that might have changed the world.

I've refused all interviews with world magazines and newspapers.  When I went to them earlier, they ignored me.  Now this is not their story to retell.  This is our story.  The story of how hope, faith and the goodness inside the vast majority of all men, women and children everywhere - should prevail over evil and those people in power over all of us.  The story of how people can reach out across cultural, racial, national, geographic and ethnic differences to make the world a better and safer place.

Most people in the world would like to live their lives in peace.  However, there are some people in the world who want more than just peace.  They are the people who want to control other people through slavery, war or chaos. That is where they find their peace, from controlling others.  This summer the world had nearly reached a turning point towards chaos before reasonable minds stepped in, foiled these assassination attempts and got our world leaders back together at the peace table.  From there greater communication was established between the masses and their leaders to express their needs, wants and desire to feel part of a planet of people.  Not separate, warring entities, who simply preyed on one another's weaknesses.

 Although we're not in feudal times, we still exist in a time where there are kings and pawns, otherwise known as the masses.  Many more people in the masses may have access to money and power in modern times, but still the kings rule.  When there's an imbalance of money, power and access to a better life because of feuds or fallouts from the ruling parties, the masses suffer until the kings sort it out.

In that moment of chaos from war and economic uncertainty - the masses search for a prophet to lead them to peace and a bigger morsel of power.  Some of those prophets who evolve can be angels and actually positively change the world.  Some of those prophets are actually demons - evil men disguised as angels and saviors..

Masamba was just that kind of leader...

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