A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...
A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Finding A Cure For Xenophobia

I hope that between my writings and my fictional story - my readers - are getting good thought stimulation.  Feel free to write a comment.  For now I'd like to express some questions and thoughts that have accumulated over the past couple of weeks.

But before I do that, I'd like to say thank you to my new friend Deborah in Liverpool and long time friend Kylie in Sidney for your support.  You are both living proof that great friendships do not have boundaries via land, air, sea or time zone.  Thank you ladies!

When you think about how our bodies are composed of billions of cells working together to form organs and whole systems that make us who we are.  When everything works together, we are healthy.  When something externally or internally effects those cells, there becomes a disruption of its health and function.  Even if we use science and medicine to prevent or deter all the negatives that interfere with our cells, the eventual ravages of Father Time break down our cells and they cannot be replenished fast enough or with the same vibrant cells from earlier in our lives.

Seems like human relationships work the same way.  We all must work together in some form or fashion for a common cause.  Whether it is work related, family related, community related or in a loving relationship - we are must sacrifice our individuality to work together with those around us...somehow, someway.  We get forced to work for some common good.  We become like tiny cells working to keep the body of the human experience healthy.

Why does this seem so easy to say and yet so difficult to do?

People don't always work together at work to achieve work related goals.  Family members do not always work together to accomplish family goals.  Couples fight for more individual attention, or attention from others, or over indulge themselves in their careers.  They let go of their goals to remain a couple bit by bit.

The wife working to help support her family, needs to have her significant other call her and let her know that she is important - not only for what's she accomplishing at her job and what's she's accomplishing for her family.  The husband who returns home from working 8, 10 or 12 hrs and needs to hear a thank you and how are you doing?

Brothers, sisters and cousins need to reach out to one another as they grow older.  But it is always difficult to put sibling and family rivalries away.  They must remember to work towards making their younger family generations respectful and strong of their family traditions and open minded for the changing world around them.

The telltale sign that there is a sickness growing in your relationships is when you realize that people outside of your relationship become more or equally important as the people inside your particular relationship.  When your work at work becomes less important than keeping up with the latest work gossip.  When your children become panhandlers that you work feverishly to avoid.  When your spouse becomes Public Enemy #1.  There is a cancer growing in those relationships.  The first place to start to cure that cancer will be within yourself.

If you can remember anything from this post.  Whether you have a significant other or not in your life.  Do yourself a favor tomorrow and just hug somebody.  Your friend, your sister, your brother, your mail courier, the guy in the pet store, the receptionist at your doctor's office.  Just go out and give someone a hug.  If not for them...then at least for yourself.  Cure the sickness...one hug at a time.


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