A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...
A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

We Are All Connected

Outside the Time Warner Building at the Columbus Circle of East 59st in New York City, there is this symbolic statue of the planet earth, the continents and circular objects (probably the symbol of satellites) circling the planet.  When I was child growing up in the 1970's, when someone went away on a trip and took pictures, you probably didn't see those pictures until months later.  A long distance call to relatives in Virginia, Florida, North and South Carolina sounded a little bit better than the televised, live communications we had with American astronauts on the Moon.

But that's all changed today.  Today we can just power on our electronic devices and reach out to family, friends and even strangers across the world.  All it takes is just one or two clicks.  Since the mid 90's I have used the electronic world to communicate with people from around the world.  People around the world are similar in some ways to the people I grew up with in New York City.  No matter the color, the height, language, culture, the shape or the weight...people are people.  Some of us gravitate to the positive things in life, and some of us gravitate to the negative things in life.  But, never the less, people are people.  Humanity left untouched or undaunted by the negatives, is a beautiful thing.

There are universal things that matter to all of us around the world.  The positive aspects of music, humor, love and family are always out there for us to aspire towards.  When we embrace positive and beautiful things and ideas, our world becomes a better place for everyone.  In spite of the behavior of the actions of a few, small thinking individuals, we must not allow the progression of humankind be slowed or stopped by them.  Although there may be times when we just sit on the sidelines and watch the powers that be duke it out for control of the world, there are also times when we must step in and choose a side.  The side that will most benefit mankind and human progress.  And then, with all of our might, our love and our hope for generations to come after us...we push.  We must trust the good souls with our dreams...

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