A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...
A City Teeming With Many Lives...and Many Stories...

Monday, December 3, 2012

Coming Soon..."The Lesson"

I know folks are scrolling around, awaiting my new fictional story "The Lesson" as well as my latest entry in ESpeakeasy.  Believe me, I am working on it. 

However, I'd like to direct your attention to my new blog: WhereDidOurLoveGo.blogspot.com in which I can primarily focus on issues and stories that deal with life and love.  There's also a couple new entries in BidKidsGadgets.blogspot.com that might prove helpful to you or a friend.

I promised a friend down in Florida, that I would write my story on an outdoor Winter Wilderness experience I had in high school.  However, my next two dramatic, fictional stories for this blog and on ESpeakeasy must come first.  They do take time to write and edit (and re-edit even after I publish).  Then I will be freed up for some humor from my past.  So sit back and relax.  Just keep on checking up.  Some more good stuff is on the way!

Just in time for the holidays...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

ESpeakeasy.blogspot.com Is Now The Rawest Work I've Ever Done

I have to break one promise, and that was that I was going to publish "The Lesson" in my next post.  I will make this up, I promise.  I just needed to take a moment to say that I believe that my  www.ESpeakeasy.blogspot.com is now the most rawest collection of life stories mixed with fictional characters that I've ever written.  It surpasses everything I ever written, whether that was in college, or shopped to a screenwriting or literary agent.

"The '80's...No Church In The Wild" entry is the hardest glimpse into what I experienced (and now revisit) from the 1980's.  Including the showdown gun fight scene at "The Funhouse".  Yep, that really happened to me and several friends from the 7th grade who had chosen a different path in life.  I hope many of you who follow me here will be sure to start reading and following ESpeakeasy.  I am so enthusiastic behind it's story and it's historical significance, I will be retooling it as a full blown manuscript in the very near future.

The bottom line is...so many things that combine us as a nation cross culturally, you can see many of those foundations being established in the 1980's.  So many of the positives that evolved in the '80's...flowed on a continum to present day America.  It all started to take shape right in the heart of New York City as the city (and many big cities across the nation) rebounded from one of its darkest moments in it's history...the 1970's.

Feel free to email me with your comments, recollections and feedback!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Call For Artistic Assistance...Answered!

Sometimes we start a project, thinking it will require just a modicum of our effort...and sometimes we start a project that upon being in the middle of the endeavor, we find out that it is really involved and will require greater concentration and/or time and effort than we could have imagined.  At the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves was it worth it?  Did we accomplish what we started out to do?

I remember writing early on this blog, that when we are deeply involved in something artistical, we don't achieve it, more than we begin to discover it, as it envelopes us.  We actually become it.

Those who've known me for a long time, always know that I've been involved in writing.  I switched majors twice in college in the '80's, shopped a screenplay in '97 and a couple of manuscripts sometime after that, all to no avail.  Although I always spurred some interest, I never could close a deal.  Through it all I continued to live life, kept my day job and raise a family...and still dreamed.  I tried and failed two years ago to set up a serial story web site due to software issues and training.  Then after a year of being prodded by friends to do "something" looked into blogging.  I started this blog in July and now...four months later...I have four blogs.  Soon I will be back to working on that darn web site.  Believe me...those stories are really good!

Each one of my current four blogs requires a different approach.  My resources are limited and as I've twice mentioned in previous posts, I do not wish to fall into any situation where I can be sued for royalties for using pictures from others on this blog.  I use Internet pictures pretty regularly to tell a joke on Facebook, but here on this blog, I am not afforded the same legal latitude.  Nor can I afford being left open to any after the fact royalty lawsuit.

Then came the Google challenges and changes.  I know I have you friends, fans, followers out there keeping a steady tab on me.  Believe me, I'm well past just being appreciative.  I am humbled and thankful that I can write something to excite, interest, help or simply share something that affects you positively in some kind of way.  I've made friends overseas and cross country.  Ironically, as much as I write my Google blogging experience in these things, with all the Google changes, about a month ago I've considered moving my writings over to another blog domain.  I didn't want Google's changes affecting my writings or my growth.  I do not want to merge this blog with Google Plus.  Not everyone wants to visit this blog in that way.  However, after some careful financially based decisions, I decided to stick with my guns...through Google.  I'm leaving the access (format) as is, and branching out with my additional blogs through this present format.

It doesn't stop there.  Some Google deadlines are coming up with regard to advertisements.  Another pressure.  It's like getting kicked to the curb.  I want to keep what I write from falling into a black hole of being just limited to a small, intimate audience of friends.  I'd like to continue to grow?  With limited resources, no Madison Avenue marketing campaign, no professional models, costume department or photographers, blog launched already committed, and deadlines around the corner...I privately contacted friends for some help.  ARTISTIC HELP!

Through whatever misunderstandings, or misperceptions, or miscommunications...I lost two friends in this process...but also received an out pour of help and encouragement from others.  Whether it was the four hours spent with a friend from Ohio (on a Friday night) helping me use computer software to compose elements in a picture (via back and fourth emails and Facebook chat) till we got the final product right, or friends in England snapping on the fly pictures for use, or a close by friend sending me four pictures that were near studio quality, taken with her cell phone - they all understood what I needed and responded with positive thoughts, suggestions and corrections.  Lastly, I cannot forget the two other friends who have kept texting me, critiqued my changes and let me know that they supported my pursuit to get better and understood exactly what I needed.  To ALL of you this week...you've healed a shaken heart...and kept me on target.  You saved my concept and purpose of ESpeakeasy.  THANK YOU!

Now other readers will benefit from the positive that came out of this negative moment.

Now that the bar has been raised for ESpeakeasy, you can click any of the tabs here to get to it.  Know that the new pictures added cost me a combined time of 16 hours to produce.  Yep, at a cost of 16 hours and 2 friends.  But, no royalty issues whatsoever and a visually improved product that's on target to what it's essence is:  Young people coming of age in a decade wrought with magnificent social changes locally, nationally and globally.   I think from here forward ESpeakeasy will not fall into abyss of the Blog Universe or be forced to morph into a different format.  I think from here on, it will stand out on it's own and bring enjoyment to many people outside of my beautiful circle of friends.  Whatever mishaps and missteps occurred to this point, I bear the brunt of the responsibility.  My apologies to all.

My next story entry here will be the story entitled, "The Lesson".  I have learned mine.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Live and Learn...Another Lesson...

Yes, it has happened.  If you've been reading my blogs, you will notice the changes.  More will be coming.  You can now hit the right tabs on this blog to connect to all the other blogs.  Also that goes the same for the other blogs.  Each one has a link for all the others.  In addition, there will be more pictures or visuals.  Each blog is a separate entity and audience.  I'll take any volunteers from whomever would like to either help edit or supply some form of help <laughing out loud>.  This has become quite a challenge.  I hope I haven't lost a friend or two.  I am beyond thankful to those who have bravely stepped in to help me, "my sisters" in recent days, and from the very beginning.  Without your feedback, whether it was encouragement or chastising or a creative revelation - I would be stuck in the mud.  Thank you, thank you, and thank you a thousand times more!

Anyway, I was watching the history channel last night and they were airing back to back episodes of their series "The Men Who Built America".  After watching about 6 episodes throughout the night, it was pretty clear to me that history in this country has clearly repeated itself.  Everything that we are experiencing has been experienced almost in exactitude more than 100 years ago.  It's worth watching and educating ourselves to this repeat.  Especially the episode that deals with the presidential election of 1896.  If you really want to blow away the socks of a loud mouth spewing hate or nonsense out of their mouths today...put this link below in their mouths and tell them not to choke on it and move on.


As one modern wealthy guy said in the video, "The names of players and the tools in the game may have changed, but the game itself hasn't change.  The game is still the game even today." 

It's time now we just pull together and get to work and do our jobs!

Prior to all the above events, I promised the roll out of a story that I was pretty keen on producing here in this blog.  I'm going to put that on the back burner and push forward a short story that I feel is more relevant to today's times and the evolution of our world.

That story is entitled "The Lesson".  I hope everyone will be looking forward to it.  I know I am looking forward to writing it on here to be read.  Have a great, great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Time To Get It Together...Evolution...

Okay...the bad news first.  I have now been able to move around a little bit and speak to neighbors and coworkers about their own personal ordeal, or family members and neighbors ordeals with this disaster.  The more I see, the more sad and stinging reality of the destruction.  After also watching Youtube videos, I now know what the world was viewing during the 10 days that when I was without power.  I can assure you that for all of us here, we universally feel like we're missing a week's worth of days.  It's hard to believe that we're in the middle of the month of November.  The end of October feels like it never really happened.  Amazing.

The United States also had it's elections during this disaster.  President Obama has retained his presidency.  Most of the Congress and Senate positions and balance numbers has remained the same.  There is a threat of more governmental impasse as the two major political parties are squaring off to hold their positions.  And now as of today's date, some 40 states have filings to secede.  So instead of working together as a nation, it is better to drift a part?  That is the negative thinking of folks whose egos have exceeded their common sense.  It's the same thinking that comes to mind when you have drunk family members fighting at a family gathering.  Instead of cooling off and sobering up, everyone wants to start outing their dirty laundry on one other.  "The ego goeth before the fall" folks.

The United States and this world is one family.  This disaster has taught my block just that.  For the most part, the immediate neighbors kept pulling together...everyday.  Even coworkers via text messages, Twitter or Facebook or phone calls.  Everyone kept helping one another know where gas was, where a tree might be down or a dangerous condition was ahead.

One friend even posted this news link on his blog to discuss the matter:


We all need to drop our egos and fanning the words of hate and anger and simply work together.  Not just because of hurricane disaster or results from a recent political election.  We need to pull together simply because we need to survive.  The United States and this world needs to EVOLVE.  As a neighborhood, as a city, a county, a state, a nation and a planet.  That's pretty much the end of it.  Thinking any other way is thinking within your own self and not for the overall good of your world around you.  Should I have carried a bat or gun to get gas in a line of 50 people last week?  What signals would I have sent to the other people in line or the police who were standing nearby?

We were in crisis and it was time to get it together, not rip it apart.  I've never "loved" a politician at any time of my life.  Why start now?  I think I might have been more infatuated with past Playboy Bunnies rather than be so worked up about a politician.  I'm 47, and I've seen quite a few of them come and go.  Some for better.  Some for worse.  But at the end of the day, our city, our state, our nation must go on.

Now onto the happier news.  It appears that I'm being challenged by Google to make changes, as they make constant changes in their universe.  Thus between their fluctuation and my own goals, I'm being challenged to expand my writings to a broader audience and not just pockets of friends from life, work, Facebook, social chat sites.   I hope everyone will remember that my overall goal isn't to cheapen or trivialize anything in our human experience.  My overall goal is to try to share knowledge about life experiences and to foster positive dialog between people where possible.  I try to do that in an entertaining fashion so that people feel more at ease in expressing themselves.

ESpeakeasy is not going to be set up to objectify women (or men) or trivialize the club scene or people who make bad decisions, and live life on the outer boundaries.  The goal of ESpeakeasy is sort of an intellectual gossip about pleasure seeking and the lessons learned there of.  TheDarksideStories is not a trivial play of those of us who believe in ghostly spirits, black magic or werewolves and vampires.   Nor is it an attack on or disrespect of monotheistic religion.  Lastly, BigKidsGadgets is not the know all, end all to the technology industry.  I hold no degrees in computer science.  I discovered what I know and talk about...one mistake at a time.  I also read up on things.  Many of the things I continue to read up on would put most of my friends to sleep.  That's why so many of them have come to me over the past several years for help.  I just explain it as I learn it and keep it as simple as possible.  If you know anyone who could use the information that I cover on a product, just direct them to the blog and hopefully I can help.  Believe me, many of the tech blogs will blow some people away. But I will re-direct anyone there too if they want a more technical explanation, review or instruction.

Lastly to all of my friends whom I might ask for assistance in some way, no matter how CRAZY (chuckle, chuckle) please give me a one month pass.  I now have a full plate.  I can't wear a clown suit to attract folks to ESpeakeasy.  Trying to explain computer or mobile device stuff one day and tell a funny life story on this blog - just won't work either.  So please bear with me.  No demerits necessary.  I have to jump into different suits to communicate to different audience expectations.  But all that I do is about life lessons.  Hopefully there will be positive results at the end of the day.

Evolution has served mankind pretty well for the past 10,000 years.  I've only been at this for five months.  Have a great day/evening.  Peace and love to all.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Launch of Two New Blogs!

Good day everyone!

It's nice to be back in action.  Even though things are long from being restored overall on Long Island, I am happy that I was able to capture the experience with a few posts.  I actually have a story that explains a life lesson I learned way back during my prep school "Winter Wilderness" experience, which provided some of the learned experiences which assisted me and my family 31 years later in being able to get through that difficult time.

Today I would like to announce the launch of two additional blogs to go along with the two blogs that I've already published.  That brings my total list to four blogs.  Crazy?  Yes!  Worth it?  Yes!

I've met and made so many different friends from this blog, that I began to realize there were other things that occur in my daily life that I wanted to share with them.  I'm a gadget guy and for the past five years, as our mobile technology has kicked into high gear and as I ran into computer problems with my home computers - I decided to educate myself and get into building, fixing my own stuff.  My journey into the tech world has enabled me to assist numerous coworkers, neighbors and relatives in finding the proper electronic device to help them with their lives.  At the insistence of some of those coworkers and relatives, I have now launched the following blog.


After reading various other tech blogs, they invariably become too technical for people I know over 30 years of age, and very little interests in learning about anything technical.  Everyone wants "plug and play" or in this case "turn on and work".  Hopefully I will be able to simply those issues with people as our technological world continues to explode.  Everyone always needs someone who will go read the instructions and then explain how to use the device in as simple a manner as possible.  That guy...will be me.  Check out the blog...and see how it grows.

The other blog I'm launching has to do with stories from people experiences good and evil spirits, live or dead.  You'll decide.


And of course for those who have been following my other blog already:  www.ESpeakeasy.blogspot.com is back.  Expect a new entry on this dalliance into this part real, part fictional world of hedonistic stories that a young group of people encounter on their way of growing into adulthood.

What does the "E" in Speakeasy stand for?  Enjoy the journey of finding out.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Night The Light Came Back...

Yes, that is a picture of street lights down my block.  This the same picture and view angle I posted of a pitch black street just several days ago.

I've lived through and survived the 1977 New York Blackout, as well as the 2003 Eastern Seaboard Blackout.  I've even had several smaller blackouts, including a 4 day blackout a few years ago living on Long Island.  But I have to say that I don't think I've ever enjoyed seeing light or power restoration as much as I did about four hours ago here on my block.  The immediate phone calls, text messages and doorbell rings up and down the block...people cheering.  It was surreal.

Our power came back about 15 to 30 minutes after the Nassau County Excutive Edward Mangano had made an unusual and extraordinary request for the U.S military and Department of Energy to take over the managerial structure of the Long Island Power Authority, aka LIPA in the restoration of power on Long Island.  This comes a week after New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo publicly called out LIPA for having a "history" of failing to get Long Island's power restored in a timely fashion as well as communicating proper updates to it's customers.  He threatened that he would have their management replaced if they didn't get the restoration process done in a timely fashion.  Now with Mangano's request, the Governor's threat has been completed.  Clearly LIPA has failed yet once again.  They are no better than their notorious predecessor, LILCO (Long Island Lighting Company) which it completely replaced in 1998.

I guess now the official "heads are going to roll" time has started.  Sooner or later it will be all persons in the civilian Emergency Management systems for New Jersey, New York City as well as Long Island.  There are still thousands without homes or power or both.  I know of a person taking in one or two sets of relatives  who lived near the shoreline, for refuge, but only to find himself with his power knocked out during the storm and living on a generator for about 5 to 6 days.  Three families in one house and on one generator?

There is no magic pill to take, nor can the solution for this disaster be resolved within the confines of some future 60 minute investigative news report.  The realities of what has taken place here are going to have to be realized and dealt with for some time to come.  These realities will need to be digested by both public officials, residential developers, civic designers...and MOST IMPORTANTLY the public themselves.

First, off the top of my head is that clearly we in the northeast of the United States are way too over dependent on gasoline.  Since I became a suburbanite, I too have now slipped into the same lazy habits.  Being forced to use my vehicle for essentially the barest of needs, I began to realize how many more times I could have walked or biked to certain locations for small or trivial items.  Growing up in New York City, you learn to take a bus or walk or ride a bike to get to certain places.  Once I made the transition moving to the Queens and then Long Island suburbs, I threw those healthier activities away.  You get more into the habit of driving everywhere because places you go are far away.  Unfortunately, you then begin driving to even some of the more easily accessible places and start to disdain even short walks.  Not anymore.

Second, in the instance of hurricanes, tropical storms, ocean surges, or tidal waves, you really to need to make sure that you have a supply of batteries for a simple radio, flashlight and food to get yourself by for at least a week.  In the case of such disasters - especially if it is an ocean event - whatever waters that came up and over the shore, has probably destroyed or severely damaged ports as well.  Waiting for military or governmental airlifts to drop you off food, water, batteries or even fuel is a dream floating around in your head, probably stemming from television show or movie.  Clearly from the events down in New Orleans and now the New York and New Jersey area, namely Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and now Hurricane Sandy in 2012 respectively speaking - I'm not going out on a limb in making that statement.  Sandy never even reached 115 mph winds like Hurricane Irene did 13 months ago, and look at what has happened.  It's 10 days after the event and there are thousands still not getting the help that they need.

Third, but just as important as the first two, is that there are too many homes (and hotels) built dangerously near or simply too close to the ocean.  Buying an expensive house at any such location is probably a bigger risk than ever before.  When you buy a house in any coastal town or city, "ocean views" are usually a huge selling point and subsequently inflates the price of that house.  Well if you believe statistics as showing "trends" - 17 of the top 24 (or 70%) of the costliest Atlantic ocean born hurricanes have struck the gulf coast and east coast since 1980. This trend will probably continue as more people and municipalities allow for additional homes to be built in such locations.  This is not my opinion.  Just read the link below.

That's not even throwing in the dozens of Nor'Easters which have also caused very costly damage and killed hundreds, if not thousands in that same time frame (since 1980).  Just remember the movie "The Perfect Storm" was based on one of those dozens of Nor'Easters.


Even the "simple" tropical storms in the northeast can cause massive flooding.  Ironically, I remember there being a small real estate boom to build more houses out in the Hamptons with "ocean front" or "near ocean" views. I had a relative who had a house by the bay, and in a three year period in the middle 1980's watched the already bottleneck traffic get even more congested with the newer traffic for the newer houses that were popping up like weeds.

I had a former coworker who also purchased a house about 3 miles away, on a lower end near an inlet.  He owned that house roughly from 1986 to at least 2009.  He had his own dock, boat and could sail right out into the ocean and go fishing.  That house flooded on almost a regular basis during that 13 year period that he owned that house, whenever we had major storms.  Having proper air conditioning (high humidity) within the house during the warm months, as well as painting maintenance on the house itself, and it's outdoor furniture (due to the salt water air) had to be costly to him year to year?  I know it was for my now decease relative, and he lived on a bluff that faced the bay - which was not even prone to floods.

"Cheap" homes on Fire Island start at nearly a million dollars for a small, next to nothing, two bedroom house.  What would you pay for that house now?  Fire Island is basically a barrier island that protects the some of the south shore of Long Island from the ocean surges.  Well...Fire Island got destroyed by Sandy as well.  So much for a barrier.

I love an ocean view just as much as the next person.  But, not at the risk to losing all of my most valuable possessions. Real estate and civic developers are going to have to re-think the wisdom in overbuilding by the water.  The increased tax revenue and the income from the sale of the homes by the water will never balance out the yearly upkeep costs and eventual "big storm" disaster relief that will probably follow that house in the long run.

Just food for thought.

Many "thank yous" to everyone who has been following my writings through this disaster and wished me well via emails, text or Twitter messages - or even silent support by virtue of following my writing entries and checking up on me.  I thank you all so very, very much.  You folks are what keeps me working very, very hard to produce as best I can.

May God bless all of you.  Good night.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Knockout Punch From Mother Nature...

By nightfall, the original forecast of little to no accumulation of snow...was changed to 2 to 4 inches of accumulation.  The Long Island vehicle and train commuter traffic was brought to it's knees yet once again.  Some newly restored power lines and power supplied homes - were knocked out again.  All and all, it was insult onto injury to the already frayed nerves to Long Islanders.  And as I turned off the main through way, to get to my block...I passed another four block long line up of cars looking to get gas...

Grey Skies...And Now The Nor'Easter...

Today is Wednesday, November 7th, 2012.  It is officially the "9th" full day without power in my house.  Walk in gas line was a much shorter wait.  Less than 10 minutes.  However, the car line was easily two blocks long.  Just as forecasted, we are presently getting hit with yet another storm...a Nor'Easter as we call them.  Long Island is expected to lose at least 30,000 (or more) customers with this storm.  Some of whom just got their power back.  For those who do not have their power restored, this will on delay matters even longer.  Locally, this storm is a mixture of high winds, snow, rain and frigid temperatures.  Over in New Jersey and the shorelines of Staten Island, Queens and Brooklyn, where supplies have been difficult to get in already...this only adds insult to the injury...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 9...Still No Power...

Still no power in sight on day 9.  I'm going to be heading to a gas line at some point to stay ahead of this.  The generator must be fed.  I'm also going to have to get the kids out before cabin fever causes them to get any crazier.  They have been studying, reading and writing.  We've taught them well.  But with no school for a week, it's just getting a bit old for them.  A negative routine to have your day governed by fetching gas and worrying about heat.  And I say again...we're one of the lucky ones...

What's happening to the people who lost everything and aren't easy to get to via emergency management services down by the shores?

We must be able to do better than this.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pitch Black...

This is the street in front of my house.  The darkness extends another two blocks in this direction, and at least five blocks in the opposite direction.  Then four blocks behind me, one full week after Hurricane Sandy.  Most of my town has power restored.  There are still pockets of entire towns with less than 30% power restored.  I cannot imagine how those people must feel.

Gas Line At 6:40am Sunday, Day 7

This car gas line extended six blocks Sunday morning on my way to work.  People sleeping in their cars awaiting a morning shipment and opening.

The Light At The End of the Tunnel...Day 6 and 7...

Yesterday was Sunday and day six of this disaster.  Sunday is usually considered a day of rest, relaxing and gathering yourself before the start of your Monday through Friday work week.  That wasn't really the case here on Long Island.  Yes, the power was restored for more people all over the island.  At the start of the aftermath of this disaster there were some 800,000 plus residents without power.  That number has been reduced to a mere 200,000 plus without power.  Even worse, there are still some 40,000 plus families who are displaced because of the complete wipe out of their homes.

I am still one of the lucky ones who is just without power for the 7th day.  I have coworkers and relatives who have suffered far, far worse and are living either at our job or with relatives, friends (some of whom have no power themselves) or in shelters.  Every time someone gets a phone call...and a notice that they have power it's a room full of cheers as if they hit the lottery.  Even worse was seeing the exceptionally long gas lines all day Sunday - everywhere.  Some people spent as long as four hours waiting in line with their cars for a tank of gas.  I don't know if the "Hunger Games" book and movie have quite captured this warp of a scene.  21st century people mobbing around from gas station to gas station for what eventually amounts to just a few gallons of gasoline.

Today is Monday and I got up and out my door at 4:15 am, after receiving a notification from a coworker of a new gas pump opening up nearby and the wait was only five minutes.  I woke up the family and ran out to go gas up our three cars and the gas container for our generator.  While we were in line, we texted and Tweeted our neighbors.  We waited 15 minutes at the most and got gased up for another day.  Maybe another week.  A week?  Yes a week.

We called our notorious Long Island Power Authority, aka LIPA, who told us that even though most of the power has been returned to our particular town, due to complications we might not get restoration until Wednesday morning.  That's the estimate for our strip.  Ah...so there is a light at the end of the tunnel??  The problem with that information is...we are on target to get hit with a Nor'Easter by Wednesday night.  LIPA almost always loses power with these type of storms.  So the light at the end of the tunnel might just actually be another lightning bolt that's about to strike our area.

On Facebook I posted a picture of a hamster running in one of those wheels, and the wheel is setup to power a mini generator, which powers a light bulb.  I wrote as a caption, "I'm starting to like this idea."  Then  I posted another picture of a large flashlight and wrote, "This will be the 7th night that I get to say 'Sorry hun, but that is just a flashlight in my pocket."  Lastly I posted a picture of a female meteorologist, otherwise known as a weather-woman for a Mexican TV station.  She has a great figure and is dressed in a white, low riding waistline pants and a midriff top, exposing her pierced belly button and six pack abdominal muscles.  Should I throw in that she's a little busty too?  My commentary there was that our local weathermen and weatherwomen won't have to dress like this, this week to get peoples attention.

There are definitely stories of schools, gymnasiums and businesses opening up simply to invite people to come in and charge up all of their electronics.  There isn't much doing in the way of sales or customer traffic and most schools are closed.  That is, not unless you're selling a generator or a gas can.  So overall this is a nice gesture in recognizing that we still need to be able to function with some semblance of our former modern selves.  Pretty amazing.

If you're familiar with Oliver Twist, that "Food Glorious Food" song can be substituted with Fuel, Glorious, Fuel...that's all we live for!

Time to recharge!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The People Are Still Crying Out...

I'm sitting here listening to the radio or catching snippets of video reports of political leaders from the President to the Governors of New York and New Jersey and the Mayor of NYC. There's a lot of self patting on the back. There's a lot of bold and stern announcements to get the food and clothing reliefs as well as fuel distributed. Yet, the fighting at gas stations, the ever growing gas lines, and the cries of despair and anger from people in the worst ravaged areas - continue to grow.  If help for food is being slowed down like the distribution of fuel...then I can understand the anger and frustration.  Once again I am one of the "lucky" ones.

But here is how that is playing out for the lucky ones.

A local gas station hints to a handful of local residents that he was opening at 6:30am, and to get there before the mob jumps in. So my wife wakes up at 5:30am and drops me off at work an hour early (6am). We pass two gas stations that both have lines at least four blocks long apiece.  My wife then jets over to the smaller station and is 20th in line only to be told that the gas station was now being taken over for emergency vehicles only and that she and the others would have to go elsewhere.  Okay, no problem.

She goes back to one of the other two stations and after nearly a half hour finds out that they've now set up a "walk up for gas" line. She parks and then proceeds to wait another 2 1/2 hrs...for a mere 5 gallons of gasoline alongside people who have driven from as far as ten miles away.  10 miles away for a couple of buckets of gasoline?  There's something wrong there.

There have been constant announcements of fuel arriving to Long Island on the radio by our political leaders.  Does that sound like fuel has arrived?

Back in Manhattan, before power was restored yesterday evening, my sister told me that the FEMA truck parked just a half a block away was surrounded by a constant number of about 500 to 600 people all day. People waiting in line...for hours...after being without power for nearly 5 days - and they were only getting enough to sustain them for a day or so. Does that seem right when it was possible that power might have been out for several more days?

On Facebook and radio interviews people who live in Staten Island, The Rockaways, Long Beach - areas most hardest hit - are crying for more help.  Their cries and anger is identical to those we heard during the Katrina hurricane tragedy down in Louisiana.

I'm not one to jump up and point fingers. There's no need for me to criticize any current politician at the moment because in all honesty ALL Emergency Procedure plans are suppose to be in place year after year - regardless of who is in a particular leadership position.  It shouldn't really matter much who is in "charge".
When you were a kid and you had fire drills did it matter year to year who your teacher was in order for you to clear your behind from that smoking building?  Your teacher changed.  Your stairwell changed. And even your class monitor changed.  But you got the heck out, right?

It just seems to me that these either these major evacuation plans are faulty from the start, or they are pure fantasies to fool us to thinking everyone is going to survive as the plan hits snag after snag.

I just don't know IF there are ANY BACKUPS to the "regular" emergency procedure plans. Back during the Katrina disaster, I'm sure it seemed like a great idea to escort thousands of people to shelter in the long standing (and super strong) Super Dome. What no one factored in was: "What if all roads to the Dome become unnavigable due to flooding to restock food resources to the people in there?" and "What happens if the Dome itself starts to fall apart (due to hurricane winds ripping it apart).  Or "What if it loses it's electrical and plumbing systems due to the occurring disaster?"

That would make all the recipe for the disaster that indeed did occur.

This is all introspective food for thought.  The best remedy is for everyone to simply better prepare ourselves for any similar future occurrences. You need a backup plan to whatever first plan you have.  And that future that you must prepare for...is now.

As for my fellow Long Islanders...it's time we realize the realities of living on Long Island, the New Jersey Shore and Staten Island.  We were warned several obvious times in the past ten years and numerous smaller times over the last 20 years with all of those Nor'Easters.  No one has ever stepped up to orchestrate or publicly illustrate a "how to" plan to get supplies in...or survivors out.  If anyone has known of such a plan, please do share it.

What politician or infrastructure manager can we blame for that?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Those Of Us Who Survived The Storm...

According to the news reports on the radio, both Queens and Long Island were down to less than 30% of available gas stations being able to pump gas. Gas shortage for generators and vehicles lead to nasty verbal arguments, rude behavior, and even weapon menacing and subsequent arrests. New Jersey's gas shortage was even worse. Supply chains were allegedly (and finally) being replenished today.  We shall see what tomorrow brings...

We Need A Better Plan Than This...

My Internet Service has been spotty at best. I'm one of the lucky ones. The south and north shores of Long Island, north shore of Queens and south shore of Brooklyn have been hammered really bad. Just Google Breezy Point, Queens or Long Beach, Long Island. They have become symbolic examples of how much of the shoreline has been destroyed. Last year, with hurricane Irene, there was a famous video of the Lifeguard booth being tossed around by waves which had overran the entire beach and pounded the booth into the Boardwalk. But the booth survived and was eventually put back when the hurricane passed. This time around that booth...is gone.

Some people are still cut off from receiving help. Then on the other side I see friends and family posting on Facebook that they have electricity and their neighborhood is slowly coming back to normal. Having grown up in New York City and now living on Long Island and having a wide swath of friends and family in both areas - I cannot and do not feel the cause to celebrate that my house only suffered and still suffers only a loss of power. As far as I'm concerned this entire area is one big neighborhood. Everyone knows someone somewhere.

Power us being restored in certain areas. Some quicker than others. That's normal. But out here on Long Island there is a definite issue with had shortage. Tankers are slow to come in via ports or the hammered tunnels and bridges. Many gas stations on Long Island don't even have electricity to pump the gas. All of this is adding up to a gas shortage. No gas for cars. No gas for generators. 24 hours after the "love and unifying neighborly feelings" is being replaced by "I'm getting my gas - screw you!"  Close neighbors and extended friends are all checking in and helping, but out side of that...it's getting very spicy.

This was the plan in case of disaster? This was the prescription for help the ones who do survive the immediate disaster survive? Generators are being stolen from homes. Stores and evacuated homes are being looted. Most traffic lights still out. Tons of cars on the streets. The sounds of police and ambulance sirens passing through your town all day and night.

And now your waiting up to two or more hours for gas? This is a prescription for secondary disasters taking effect. Long Island has been pushed back into the late 19th century and parts of NYC has been pushed back into the 16th century. We are on a precipice. We are being taught a lesson. There is a divide. The haves and the have nots. Or the haves and the completely cut offs. How can the Mayor of NYC even contemplate hosting the NYC marathon this Sunday? Who in NYC is going to watch or volunteer to help?

I hope those who can read this and live outside the 18 states can help voice your opinions to the Mayor of NYC. I hope you can make a small donation down the road to help those here who are in desperate need. My mother and sister live in Lower Manhattan and are completely cut off from power and supplies. And according to the news reports, they may continue to be cut off for up to an additional week. They live 13 stories up and my mother is an amputee. I have not heard from them since Tuesday.

If this was the plan we came up with after Katrina...then we need a better plan.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Glimmer of Humor In Spite Of Sandy...Just 2 Blocks Away...

The Day After Sandy...

She was a mean one, this Sandy.  She pounded New York City to its knees and Long Island to her elbows and knees. There have been a few big hurricanes and tropical storms in the past, but this area of New York always seems to get skipped over from getting hit by major natural disasters.

Well, not this time.

No, no. This time Lower New York got its behind kicked.  They have called in electrical  repair crews from as far away as Texas, California, and Canada to help. Shamefully looters had already began running the streets in parts of the Far Rockaways.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy Has Arrived...

So...Hurricane Sandy has arrived in New York.  She is not nice.  She hasn't played very fair.  In fact, she has been down right nasty.  There is nothing worse than being on the outer bands of a hurricane, which usually carry a lot of rain and or ocean surge.  Then on top of that to have the largest coastal area of any two counties in the entire United States.  And then as if the formula couldn't get any worse...you add in high tide starting just as Sandy made landfall in New Jersey...just south of your shores...to really stir the sea levels up as she headed northbound.

In Manhattan, my hometown, the Hudson river has risen over the wall and onto the streets.  That's the west side of Lower Manhattan.  Over on the east side of Manhattan, the East River has also flowed over the eastern wall of Manhattan.  Wall Street is said to be under three feet of water.

Back on the home front, some 800,000 Long Islanders are without power.  I am using my mini laptop and a backup battery for my cell phone to even post this blog.  There is no power in my house, that is until I start my generator first thing in the morning.  My family is in good shape.  We have food and shelter otherwise.  But not all my friends and family will be able to say the same after today.  I already know of people who have lost cars due to falling trees, as well as beach front homes lost to the rising sea, or electrical fire - or both.  Families cut off from one another after running out to get last minute supplies, only to return to their home and find the street to their house completely sealed off by water - and other family members trapped at home.

These are those moments that push and test us from the normal comfort of our daily lives.  These are the moments that are suppose to make us re-think what is and isn't really important.  Lives over valuables and property.  Family over foolishness and trivial relationships.

Even with all these trying moments, something very nice has arisen.  Something very powerful has awakened.  Not only have my usual friends from Facebook reached out to see how I am doing, but also friends I've made through here and other social networks have also reached out to inquire if me and the family are okay. That has been a very moving and touching thing.  To actually feel humanity...the love and concern that someone has for you, especially when you can not even repay them...to feel that through a simple text message...its truly moving.

My prayers go out to those I know and don't know who are clearly going to be devastated by Hurricane Sandy, like no other storm before.  And my countless thank yous to those of you who have sent a kind word, and expressed concern for my well being.  I love you, I thank you and pray that God continues to also bless you and yours.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

"There's A Storm Coming..."

I remember watching the move "The Dark Knight Rises" and in one of its more memorable moments...Selena Kyle, aka The Cat Woman tells Bruce Wayne, aka Batman, that "There's a storm coming Mr. Wayne.  You and your friends better batten down the hatches..."

And that's exactly the way we New Yorkers and others in the northeastern part of the United States feel.  Within the last 14 months, we've been hammered by a dozen small, but torrential rainstorms and now the second of two major hurricanes.  There will probably been heavier water damage and loss of power this time around.  This new storm has been named, Sandy.

One of my very good friends lives down in Palm Bay, Florida...and she told me that the Sandy had passed her coastline.  She had a storm party down there.  As this "Frankenstorm" travels north up the eastern coastline...it's projected to intensity.  The images and damage from last August's 2011 storm, Irene were astounding.  This storm, Sandy may be even worse.  Thanks for the heads up to my friend in FL.

All that being said, unless conditions in my area in New York become extreme, I will continue to write and publish.  Perhaps describing people's response to the events and conditions here will provide some form of interest or entertainment.  My house is equipped with a generator and food stocks are in.

Yeah, this could get interesting.

But, Sandy isn't the only storm coming this week.  At this time I'd like to thank friends for reaching out to me through other media and inquiring about my other blog.  So far it has been getting many views internationally as well as domestically.  However, the time has come for me to to unveil it for those who do not have Twitter.  It is time to get dirty.  It is time to get blue.

For the first time ever, introducing www.ESpeakeasy.blogspot.com.

I'm happy to say that quite a few of you have been reaching it through my Twitter connection.  I didn't want to open it without first getting some writing legs under it.  For those who do read it, I hope that you will remember that ESpeakeasy is a blend of some real life and fictional events, and characters.  It definitely has a different tone than this blog.  It was created to tell some darker and more symbolic stories and events that I couldn't necessarily tell on here.  If you don't like, then don't go.  It's not the Disney Channel.

What does the "E" in Speakeasy stand for?  I welcome email answers.  The first ten people to get it right will receive some sort of prise.  I'm undetermined on whether those gifts should be a t-shirt or a pen, since I have to purchase these items in large lots to reduce the price.

Please feel free to email me any feedback on either blog at NYEastsideEntertainment@gmail.com 

I don't think all the comment controls are functioning properly here, so a direct email is probably best.  For now, please do enjoy your weekend, stay safe and keep visiting my blogs.  My writing storm is a coming too...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Underground bars and clubs....

I'll never forget growing up on the Lower East Side of how many underground bars and clubs that there used to be.  As far as I can remember, there were rarely any problems at them.  They were usually held in buildings that were allegedly land lorded by the mob.  Who knows?  I certainly didn't.  All I do know is that the hidden bars I used to see and know about as a kid are all gone now.  But when I was a kid, I used to always wonder if this was what it was like when Prohibition took hold of our country way back in the 1920's and early '30's.  I always wondered if the Speakeasies (that is the illegal saloons) where the same store fronts and building hallways that I would see 40 plus years later growing up on the Lower East Side?

My mother sometimes cooked food for one such illegal establishment.  She was also a bar tender at one of the nearby legal bars too.  That bar was called "Luckys".  However, the illegal place that she cooked for was appropriately called "The Hole" of all things.

Lots of folks from the neighborhood patroned these illegal bars.  They were happening places in their time.  Sometimes even some swanky uptown people of some higher rung on the society ladder would show their faces to one of these illegal, downtown digs.   In the 1970's the bar scene in New York City had hit it's height of popularity.  It was the one place where all sorts of taboos and rules could be broken - and nobody would care or talk about it.  They had become modern day Speakeasies. 

I walked in and out of many of these places when I was a kid during the day.  You see one of my uncles also worked for the owner of one of these illegal establishments.  I would hang with either he or my mother and got an education that my school classroom never could match.  He was what they called a "runner" for the  illegal "numbers" game.  In other words he was the guy responsible for walking around the neighborhood collecting money and taking bets for people who wanted to bet on the horses.

That was the life I lived, saw and grow up around for many years.  It's the real life stories and drama that I knew couldn't all be placed on this blog.  That I would have to create a second blog to deal with just those stories.

Stay tuned for my links to my "blue" blog.  I will be posting the link here and on my www.twitter.com/NYEntertain the very near future.  Bookmark this blog or add to your Twitter account.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Juicy Mouths!

I believe that there are three types of "Juicy Mouths" in the world.  What do I mean by Juicy Mouths?  Well...why waste time...here it is...

Have you ever sat in the presence of someone who can eat a plate of food, or chew on something in such a manner that they end up making you hungry too?  My mother used to call this type of person a "juicy mouth."

Drives me crazy to sit near someone like that.  When you sit next to them and order lunch, you could be done with your own food, turn and catch them still eating and realize that you didn't enjoy your meal as much as they did.  And why do you end being near these people at the worst times in your life...like a moment when you haven't had a bite to eat yourself...and here comes juicy mouth chomping on a cheeseburger. Makes me just want to walk up to them and slap that burger right out of their hand.

"Don't you realize I'm hungry?  Why did you come over here chewing up on that burger like Jaws right in front of my face?  Now neither of us are going to eat.  We both have to wait 5 more hours for a meal break."

Now I know we've all had this second Juicy Mouth person in our lives too.  Ever have someone chew on a piece of gum like it's a mission?  When I was a kid growing up in New York City, I came across some girls who could chew gum as if it was a circus act.  They could pop it, snap, blow it, suck it back, stretch it out (take it easy fellas, I'm just talking about gum).  And then when that girl walked into a classroom she would be popping and snapping away until she got nailed by the teacher.  Which was usually pretty easy to do.  Just follow the sounds.

Lastly, there was yet a third type of Juicy Mouth.  That is the people who for whatever reason, over salivate while they are talking.  Oh boy.  Stay away from such people when they start saying words with "S" and "Th" sounds! 

"Today's forecast is rain in the office when Mr. Jones starts talking about 'Ships by the Seashore by the Sea, Sink, Slowly, Silly Sally.'"

So there you have it.  Three different types of Juicy Mouths.  If anyone knows of another type of Juicy Mouths that I may have left off this list, please email me. 


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Whose idea was the bikini anyway?

Never in the history of mankind can one of the most flimsiest of patch of material stir up most contentious conversations between women and men.  It was a thought that struck me yesterday as I was reading through online news a few weeks ago.  As I was reading the news there was a photo banner flash of female celebrities of "female celebrities who look good in bikinis".  I mean I'm sitting there reading about politics, world news, kidnappings, fires and missing people and boom right out of the blue - "what female celebrity looks best in a patch of fabric held loosely with string".

You know...after reading about the controversial Stop and Frisk police program in New York City or the murder rate in New Orleans...I do get a sudden, uncontrollable curiosity to then see the 100 best female celebrities in skimpy bikinis!  Thanks guys!  I feel much better after that!

And this isn't the first time.  I mean most of us former athletes or readers of men's sports magazines  know all about the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit addition, which was first published in 1964.  Somehow way back in 1964, those trendsetting Baby Boomers behind Sports Illustrated decided that we male sports fanatics (and former athletes) needed a break just one month a year - so that we could feast our eyes upon some titillating female boobs and behinds on the magazine cover.

But it doesn't end there either.  Just in case I want my truck to smell a little fresh, I can always run into the auto parts store and be given a choice of air fresheners to help spiff up my vehicle.  I can pay .99 cents for the dinky little pine tree air freshener that hangs on my rear view mirror.  Or I can pay $1.99 for the slightly better smelling bikini clad, Playboy Playmate to swing side to side on my rear view mirror.

And speaking of cars...who can forget the most prototypical luxury car commercials of the past 50 years?  You know the ones where some guy is driving a fancy and expensive sports car and picks up a "hot" looking woman...or when the commercial simply features some tall, thin, well bosomed woman driving a luxury sports car to some unknown destination.  I took a class way back in college in where psychological studies were done to figure out why those particular commercials worked in raising sales for the luxury cars.  The conclusion was that men and women saw the commercials in  two different ways.  For the male test audience it seemed that men connected buying that luxury car in order to get that beautifully breasted woman who was driving that car.  For the women viewers, they wanted to beautify themselves like the woman in the commercial to get a man to buy them that car.

But alas I've strayed off the bikini path.  Back on it I shall go!  I've been shopping with various women when they've gone bathing suit shopping in stores from my teens to my now 40's.  From my sister, to female friends, girlfriends, wife and now daughters.  I think I might try going with one of my female Rottweilers this summer.  Either way...with some slight changes here and there...it's usually the same pattern:

The women walk in with all sorts of enthusiasm, before they eventually leave depressed for having to settle on something that wasn't quite what they wanted.  Almost always it's buyers remorse.  They try on one suit after another, after another.  They turn and ask you the notorious question that will either set off a disbelief in your positive opinion, or set a an angry demonic takeover of their minds.  Here's that NOTORIOUS no win question.

"Does this make me look fat?"

Duck!  Hide!  Run for cover!  Lie!!  Or get lost in the men's section of the store. Whatever you do - do not answer that question in the positive "Ohhh yesss...that suit is for someone 30 pounds lighter than you, hun."

Nope, you always have to go the other way.  "Nope.  Honey that suit fits you great.  It's the sun and sand that's gonna make you look fat.  It's a well known natural special effect.  Spielberg used it in his movie Jaws."

Or try this, "Nope.  Hun, I think wearing what amounts to an eye patch around your breasts and mons pubis looks absolutely terrific!  I'm sure you'll lose that suit after the second wave in the water, not the first.  The first wave will only start half the people on the beach placing bets on how soon the next wave will leave you naked in the water."

Lastly, try this "Nope.  Hun, after 15 kids, being 50 pounds overweight and you advancing into your late 40's, I am confident that that bathing suit has equal the strength of the support cables to the Brooklyn Bridge, and will keep your uterus from falling out your back side.  Buy that polka dot suit right this very minute!  Plus...its on sale!"

All kidding aside, I stumbled across another news article on the Internet, which finally explained why there's so much pressure around bikini's and bathing suits in general.  In fact, this article actually summarized everything by simply explaining that its actually not the suit, but the female breasts themselves that we men must be craving to see.  Apparently, by viewing a woman's breasts 10 minutes a day, we men are actually improving our health.  The article even advises women to let their men view other women's breasts for those 10 minutes as a means to better their man's health.  Let him look, but not touch and then drag his horny behind home to momma!

Think I'm still joking around?  Well, here's the link:


After reading that article, it suddenly dawned on my why I've been surrounded by so many bikinis and boob show fests from TV commericals, the movies, magazines and even car air freshners!  It's all a survival mechanism in us men that has inspired this!  I now have a more enthusiastic outlook on making it to 160 years.  Yep, me viewing two boobs a day should keep the doctor away.  Hell, I'll even take donations!  From now on all boob gawking will assist my cause for longevity just as good as a heart transplant!  I guess...old age does have it's rewards...

Friday, October 12, 2012

Never Mix Your Neighbors And Your Prostrate Adventures...

Never mix your neighbors and your prostrate adventures...true story...

Yes, I've been on the quiet side, but I'm still hard at work.  My health issues are clearing themselves up.  I have job stuff coming up that will be requiring me to work more hours over the next week or so.  But, in spite of all that...I have decided to put "Tina's Crucifix" on the back burner to tell this one true story from my neighborhood.

Also I'd like to thank and welcome two new readers...one down in Florida and the other in New York City.  Welcome to my craziness online.  I hope you both continue to enjoy what you're reading.  It's all about the smiles.

Now this story I'm about to tell is ohh so very, very true.  It falls under the category of "You just can't make this stuff up."  Names will definitely be changed to protect the innocent, the guilty...and  above all - prostrate glands throughout the world.  Ready?  So here it goes...

About ten years ago I was at school pickup in my neighborhood.  It's a cold, overcast day in late February.  Rain seems imminent just as we're getting closer to the doors being opened.  Now in my lovely suburban neighborhood, the school pick up is done mostly by mothers - with exception to us fathers who work nights, overnights or have convenient days off.  I was working overnights and weekends at that time.

So due to my work hours, and my propensity to talk and instigate humorous bad behavior in people...I end up becoming friends with a lot of mommies and a few daddies from my town.  It's the City Boy, Social Butterfly in me.  It has helped me and my family become friends with many families as well as helped my older kids have an easier adjustment when we moved into our town from the city, in 1999.  In my town I've been known do bagel deliveries to my neighbor's doorstep, on a Sunday morning, with the family standing behind me singing Christmas carols (in the spring).  I've also been known to climb over fences to crash house parties (to the delight of the party goers of course).  I've also delivered a large shopping bag full of toilet paper rolls to a neighbor who once ran out of toilet paper at one of her famous house parties (there was really extra paper underneath the sink, however she's such a perfectionist that I couldn't let the opportunity to tease her the next day slip away).

Now back to this overcast day at school pick up.  So I'm standing out there waiting near the doors with two other neighbors, let's call them Rose and Maria.  We're standing there with our umbrellas and a freezing blast of air and rain and sleet starts pouring down on us.  We're freezing along with 60 other parents standing out there 20 minutes early like us.  Suddenly we get a car horn honk from another neighbor...umm..let's call her..."Crazy" Kelly.  Those of us who know Kelly, know that she's pretty bold and crazy when she gets going in conversation.  But that day, Crazy Kelly would really top herself.  Needless to say, Kelly has parked in the perfect spot on the street where she can see the school doors and best of all...she's sitting inside her huge SUV.  Kelly waves for the three of us to join her in her car to get out of the elements.  We gladly take her up on her offer.  I plop myself in the back seat.

Once inside the car, it's a pretty typical conversation...kids, work, bad weather and not getting sick.  Then the conversation turns instantly into an anti male/father conversation...all of this spearheaded by Crazy Kelly.  Rose and Maria are constantly looking back at me...having their laughs at my expense, as I am outnumbered in the truck 3 to 1.  I could've cared any less.  I was parked a block away and was freezing my behind off just 3 minutes earlier.  I grew up around women and know how they can talk about men.  Knock yourself out Crazy Kelly.  And she did.  Crazy Kelly took a leap in her anti-male/father routine and drifted onto this "You men are all the same...Just like my Donald (her husband)...one stroke of his prostrate...and he can't get enough...keeps coming back for more..."

Well needless to say time had virtually stopped inside that car.  The jaws of Rose and Maria hit the back of the drivers seat and dashboard, respectively speaking.  Their eyes started darting back and fourth at each other, and to me, like in one of those Spaghetti Western movies.  I didn't care.  My body was just getting warmed back up  from the heat in the car and I didn't think twice about what Kelly was saying - although I heard it pretty plain and clear.  Rose and Maria on the other hand, were dumbfounded.

Crazy Kelly realized the other two women were stunned and proceeded to break it down for them.  I was in my mid thirties at this time.  I think I had earned a lifetime membership to Playboy, Penthouse and Cosmopolitan (via my older sister) by that stage of my life and was quite well versed in what Crazy was talking about.  Hell, by that point of my life, I had already had my first rounds of colonoscopy and prostrate exams, so I didn't need a "breakdown".  But Crazy was insistent to help the other two sets of virgin ears in the truck.

"Well you see, I did the prostrate thing one time for Donny, and the fool liked it so much that that's all he asks for now, everyday.  You know you should have your wife to try it with you at home.  Do you need for me to explain how to do it?"

Now mind you, she asked me this ask if we were trading baking recipes and cooking techniques.  My response was easily anticipated.  I just simply deadpanned, "No, no Kelly.  I'm good.  I'm really, really good with those boring, old fashioned ways of sex with the wifey.  There'll be no gold digging in my house."

Well Rose and Maria nearly turned purple to keep from laughing at this point.  When the first pick up bell finally ranged Rose and Maria nearly slipped and fell getting out of that truck.  That bell was a life saver for them.  To say that three of us laughed about that conversation in the truck doesn't nearly quite capture that moment.  We were in tears...for days...about that conversation that we shared with our spouses and other neighbors.

Fast forward that following summer at a house party on my block.  Of course I have now mischievously shared this "prostrate story" with all my neighbors on the block who  are likewise married - about 6 sets of us at the time.  And to add to the joke, I would bring it up and then walk backwards following my wife, hunching my butt up to her and yelling "S'il vous plait, s'il vous plait!" (that's French for "please, please")

Of course that brought on guffaws, table slapping laughs, people falling out of chairs.  Tears are pouring out of our eyes.  The wives can't stand up straight as now all the husbands are doing this "butt hunching thing to them too" at this house party.  We all happen to know Crazy Kelly and Donald from the town.  Donald is a big, quiet guy who sticks to himself in the neighborhood.  Little does he know his wife is sharing his favorite bedroom recipe.  Now I'm not one to judge.  To each his own.  But I am one to make jokes, and this was prime real estate.  It was just too much information to not laugh about.  But...that night...the joke we had been enjoying for months...got even better.

After a few beers and some tear wiping...guess who shows up at the backyard party on my block??  Yep, Donald and Crazy Kelly.  Surprise!  So like most couples when they join a party...the male joins the men, and the female joins the women.  Neither Crazy or Donny knew that we had just been crying laughing about them, 30 minutes prior to their arrival.  To make matters even worse...when Donny sits with the fellas...he looked a little sad and depressed.  He just didn't look happy on that beautiful summer night. 

What usually happens when someone sits next to you looking sad?  Invariably you ask them, what's wrong?  Is everything okay?  Are you sick or have the bug?  Yep, that would be normal.

Instead, me and my fellow trouble makers at the table that night were asking him if he had any "back problems" or suggested that perhaps he "needed a laxative," perhaps he needed to "borrow a drill" for the work he was doing in his house, and that we liked the fact that his wifey was pretty "handy around the house" and helped him fix things.  At some point someone at the table...OK it was me...yelled out words like "lubricant" and "bottoms up" for no good reason.  Well...I meant more beers?  My bottle was empty?  My throat was dry?  Either way, Crazy Kelly and Donald's eventual departure only brought on another round of laughter.

That was some ten years ago.  Times have changed changed.  Crazy Kelly and Donald moved from the neighborhood.  So did two of the couples from the block.  Only a handful of us now actually get together for a summer house party.  I have two younger kids now and sometimes interact with these newer families.  In addition, I don't have to do as many school pickups as I did with my older kids.  Today most of the kids from the block hang out with one another more than the adults do.

So for those of us who remember the prostrate joke, it was definitely an all-time classic.  Cheers to the neighbors on my block, in my neighborhood and to Crazy Kelly and Donald for giving me yet another funny story to share with people from around the world.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Love and Inspiration...customer loyalty.

Okay...that was easy.  I've had about a week's rest time.  In the meantime, I've noticed plenty of pageviews on my blog in my absence and no emails about any viewing issues.  Everyone seems to be getting access one way or the other.  Yay! 

Yes I was away from writing for a week.  There is a mental wear and tear (and then repair) cycle to keeping things on here moving right along.  I hope everyone who is visiting me has continued to enjoy what they have read.

You can email me any time with comments.  NYEastsideEntertainment@gmail.com   I would be happy to hear from you.

I've had a minor health issue flare up again this week.  It's pretty amazing what a tiny fragment of metal can do to injure the body weeks after it been embedded.

It's been a nice down time to sit back and absorb life a little.  Funny thing happened on my Facebook page.  I made my usual sarcastic/humorous reprint of a local NY sports team who seems to be making yet another historic cycle of failure in their league.  The team is tne NY Jets.  Now I have many, many friends, including myself who have supported and absolutely love the NY Jets.  They have won only one Super Bowl and have been owned by only two families since their beginning.  They are actually the only major sports team in all of New York City who hasn't won at least two championships in their sport the last 70 years.  They have spent millions of dollars and can seem to do no better no matter who has owned them, what coach has come in, what players they have attracted to play for the team.  It is a remarkable, if not sad episode of seeming professional sports futility.

I can understand what owning a business means, especially to sports team owners.  There are some years when you know you don't have the right team to win it all, but you have to fill your stadium seats up and sell jerseys to keep your franchise above water.  You have to do what you have to do, say what you have to say, and advertise whatever you have to sell, in order to keep fans filling your stadium.  I get that.  Every business goes through that.  But then again there are times when you MUST know you've failed both your fans, your family, your city...and really must do a BETTER job at making your team a marque team in one of the worlds biggest money markets like New York City.

It is my feeling that this organization seems to have lost contact with the idea of putting an actual winning team together.  That pennies and nickles in contracts and balance sheets matter more than giving your fans...your bread and butter...the heart and soul of your franchise - people who follow your team,  and pay thousands of dollars, sit in hot August seats outdoors and brave the freezing temperatures of the late season play in December - something better.  Sometimes you simply have to lay the books to the side and do what's right for the people who've supported you.  The people who got you to this position in the first place.

There are times when, just like a small store owner, a big sports business has to remember to pay tribute to their customer.  Sometimes when you know you've put out a bad product on the shelf and your fans are headed for another season of misery, its wise to simply repay them for their loyalty.  Just as a small shop owner may see one of his customers a little short of money at the cash register, the owner just waves the customer on and declines any payment.  Sometimes, in the case of the NY Jets, its worth ignoring the financial books and just simply bringing in and paying the right athletes, the right money and build a truly professional and competitive atmosphere in the locker room that will never change or wain over time.  It's been 43 years.  The fans are owed something back for all those years of support over futility.  It's just my humble opinion.

It seems like in all forms of business, when companies and people running those companies lose perspective on the actual heart and soul that makes them work - the people - that's when things start to decline.  The PEOPLE are the workers who help keep the company running, and the clients or customers for which they serve.  Those relationships should never get lost in the success or the failure of that company.  It is the one sacred relationship that should never be forgotten.  Trust me, as I look back and see my pageviews increase, even when I'm too tired, too busy with family life or sidelined with an injury, it really motivates me to get back on the horse as soon as possible and work hard for those of you expecting more from me. 

Perhaps in a time when the world is experiencing regional economic woes and the battle of haves and have nots continue to be waged...maybe it's become fashionable to forget "relationships" in business.  Perhaps the most important thing is just make the money and spend the money, and repeat it all the next day, the next week..  I think we lose a bit of ourselves in that cycle.  We are all passing through this world, this life.  I prefer to continue to try to remember and appreciate the ups and the downs of all the relationships I have forged in this life.  I try to remember every face, every name and every soul that touched or inspired me.  And I try to remember to give back that same inspiration to those that interact with me.

Whether I make money via the Internet through business or not, what amount of money can ever replace love and inspiration?

Thank you everyone for continuing to view my pages.  Your positive energy inspires me, even when I'm taking a rest. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

This is an important message...

To my friends out there reading my blog, I apologize if you haven't been able to leave comments when you've wanted to.  I also apologize if you've had some difficulty in trying to log into my blog automatically.  I cannot control the functionality of Google's Blogspot.  However, I can convert my blog back to the former settings if the current settings are proving more difficult to open via your mobile devices, as well as your laptops/computers. 

Please email me at NYEastsideEntertainment@gmail.com if you are having difficulties.  I want this all to be one continuous process of fun and entertainment in the midst of everyone's busy life. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Would you believe...

Some time in early August, I stepped on tiny sliver of something near the ball of my foot.  I attempted to remove it and it actually seemed to disappear.  Then last week, nearly six weeks later, the entire sole of my foot swelled.  The sudden swelling caused me to call my foot doctor about an hour into work.  My doctor said quite simply "Either get your ass in my office right now (he had a cancellation), or go to an Emergency Room."  I left work and ran to his office.

One X-ray and 5 minutes later, he removed the object that was in my foot.  It was a tiny piece of metal no bigger than the tip of the tip of a ball point pen.  It wasn't in very deep, but my body had finally rejected it and it was causing...an infection.  An infection?  Yep.  An infection so bad that I've been on antibiotics for over a week.

It's amazing that something that small and so completely unnoticeable was on course to send me to the hospital with an infection that was spreading up my foot and into my leg?

I can't think of how many times I've had a splinter in my hand or foot in my life, or suffered cuts or scrapes from something metallic during a home repair.  I guess this is why we get tetanus shots, use antibiotic creams, alcohol and peroxide?

Either way...it's good to be back on track.  I feel like I have a leg up on everyone else now...

When someone asks you a question...

Ever notice how some people will ask you a question, but they don't hear your answer simply because they weren't listening for your response?  Usually they then end up repeating the question and you repeating your answer.  Then another scenario is when they ask a question, but have already predicted an answer and immediately ask another question, when you've answered both questions with your first response.  Now you have to repeat your answer.

The absolute best scenario is when someone asks you a question, but already has information or a rebuttal to your anticipated response.  Yet the problem is that both in their original question and their rebuttal are both uninformed or misinformed.  Now you have not only answer, but you also have to clear up their misinformed thoughts.

When we position ourselves to "seek" information, we can either be a rock...or a sponge.  I always try to be the sponge so that I can learn more, or simply review what I originally thought was the correct way.

All of this is leading to my daily review and reminder to myself that there is a reason why we have two eyes, two ears and one mouth.  We must all use them wisely.

"He that answereth a matter before he heareth, it is folly and shame unto him"  Proverbs 18:13

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"The Page" by John S LES

And now the conclusion to "The Page"

"The Page"  ©

by John S. LES

All out Bustanian civil war that lasted about six weeks.  A total of about 200,000 Simba and 370,000 Tumbili soldiers were killed.  Even though the Simba lost fewer soldiers, they had the smaller tribal population and had to call a truce or they would face possible ethnic extinction or absorption.  Most of the world had literally turned their backs on the conflict.  The one positive was that women and children had been spared.  Only the men were left to fight it out in the cities.

I had already returned back to school for fall semester of my senior year.  I had received a lot of kudos from my boss, Congressman Hollingsworth, and other members of Congress, for the help I provided with a simple cell phone application that allowed Jamila to contact me when her and her father's diplomatic delegation had been detained in Bustani shortly before the civil war started. 

The 2011/2012 school year, was also a Presidential election year, and I was being quietly courted by both sides of the political isle to become their Page next summer..  They all wanted to be use me as a symbol for American high school technological ingenuity.  Then my SAT scores came back, and they were near perfect scores.  Suddenly colleges I never even applied to were calling me and offering me scholarships.  Just about every Ivy League school called me, and even the West Coast "Ivies" like Stanford, USC and UCLA.  These were all the Alma maters of the various Congressmen and Senators.  This was now well beyond my simple dream of me and Jamila both going to Georgetown University and earning our college degrees together.

To relieve myself of some of the pressure, I started this blog.  I wanted to connect with other teenagers who were having difficulty deciding on where to go to college and how that decision might affect them for the rest of their lives.  The blog became a hit with other teenagers.  Partly because of my name being in the media from press coverage of the UN delegate recovery in Bustani and part because I had struck a cord with young people around the country.  Critics of my blog felt that I started a trend and brought sex appeal to guys out there who were computer geeks.  I guess that what happens when you're a good looking teenager who also happens to be tall and athletic, yet prefers computers over basketball, football or baseball.

Around the world, there were sporadic protests at the United Nations and at embassies of the Super Powers  around the world for not coming sooner to the the aid of African nations such as Bustani.  Even I joined in some of the protests held in front of the United Nations, much to my father's dislike.  I also joined a relief program that created food and clothes drives for survivors of the Bustani civil war.  Jamila and I discussed the possibility of going back to Bustani as Red Cross volunteers next summer to help work with the children of Bustani who were now made fatherless from the war.

Some pressure within the world media forced the United Nations, more specifically the United States and Russia to openly talk about providing more political and military intervention with countries like Bustani teetering on the brink of civil war, in order to prevent bloodshed and loss of valuable human life.  They were dramatic, attention getting words for Masamba to the world media, but even I knew he didn't mean that.  Even though he was thousands of miles away, Masamba was building his case that the start of peace throughout Africa, would begin with the world formally recognizing Bustani and him as the starting point of such peace.  He announced dates for starting a world tour for peace throughout Africa.  What no one knew at the time was that he was planning the exact opposite.  He wanted to destabilize the Super Powers so that the nations in Africa could see him as a world leader out of the chaos.

As the Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Years holidays passed, my own family and Jamilia's managed to get together.  It was a happy holidays for all of us.  We were all happy as Jamila had received college acceptance letters from Georgetown, Harvard and Yale and I had received acceptance letters from Georgetown, Harvard and MIT.  Our families wanted us to preferred us to attend Georgetown to stay close by.  We began to consider attending Harvard together to be able to be away from our families.

The November elections in the US brought new political sparring in Washington, DC.  While the politicians arm wrestled in Washington, it was during this moment of political turnover that Masamba was able to sneak in a second layer of sleeper assassins who would compliment the first set of sleeper assassins he had slipped into Super Power countries around the world nearly a two years earlier.  But just like he did within his own country, he began to quietly eliminate those in America he considered his enemies.

First on his list was my boss, Congressman Hollingsworth, who had been  mysteriously poisoned just three months after we got back to the US.  Hollingsworth became so sick that he nearly died in the hospital and had to be induced into a coma in order to be saved by his doctors.  When the November elections came around, he had to surrender his seat.  His full convalescence from some slight physical and neurological damage would require a year long rehabilitation.  Next came Jamila's father and uncle in late January.  While driving his brother in Arlington, to complete paperwork for for political asylum, Jamila's father's car was struck in an intersection by a stolen cab.  The driver of the other car escaped, but Jamila's uncle was killed and her father suffered back injuries.  Then came my father.  One Sunday while going for his morning jog to get the newspaper he was ambushed by a knife wielding African man.  Although badly cut on his arm and leg both he and an an alert police officer managed to gun down the assailant.  All the immigration paperwork on the dead assailant stated that he was a Nigerian born immigrant.  Months later that paperwork proved to be a forgery.

Homeland Security dragged its feet on the circumstances on the attempts of the lives of my father, and Jamila's father and uncle, as well as Congressman Hollingsworth.  The CIA could not officially touch the investigation and the FBI was embroiled in Congressional hearings for the appointment of a new Director.  No one could or would connect these incidents to Masamba.  No one except me and my computer science club crew.

In mid February, myself, Zach, Will and Tanya had a virtual conference from our homes.  My father was still recovering from his wounds and Jamila's father was turning the corner on walking again.  We ran traces back to Jamila's laptop which had been taken from her by Masamba's soldiers last summer.  Will and Zach had hacked it a year ago when she and I were having our problems.  We wanted to see who was using it and for what.  We had tried the same traces months earlier, but the computer was never turned on.  Now it was being used and from what we gathered, it was being used by Masamba himself.

In the first few days we could not understand the codes he was using.  But was was clear to us was that he was using no less than 50 different identities on the laptop to communicate to his assassins around the world. We couldn't understand what was being communicated at first.  But what we did notice was a particular word "kulipua" being repeated at key times. We knew the Swahili translation for kulipua meant "to blow up".  We did not know when, how or what reference this phrase was being attached to, but it had become clear to us that the dots were connecting.

When I approached Jamila to describe what she knew about the art of Mwili Mipuko - body explosion that - she told me that it was mythical talk and that no one in her immediate family had ever witnessed it.  Moreover, such ancient practices of fighting had never been discussed or used outside the confines of Bustani.  It would be a forbidden against all religious traditions of the Simba or Tumbili tribes to do so.  She then refused to talk to me for a while after learning that Will and Zach had even hacked her computer on my behalf.  I expected that reaction.  Our plans for picking a college together was then officially over.  But I had to press on.

When I tried to reach out to the Congressman who took my former bosses seat in Congress, a political opposite, he wanted nothing to do with me.  With the FBI, Homeland Security and Congress turning their backs to me and dismissing my theory about some sort of international assassination plot being carried out by Masamba was largely ignored and dismissed.  I was only left with one more move.  I had to reach out to that CIA analyst. I remembered on the plane ride in to Kenya whose code name on the plane was Debra.  So...I began to use my blog to reach out to the Company and Debra in my blog.  Mixed in with my messages to teens to be vigilant of recent immigrants from Bustani were my own coded messages that I knew the computer algorithms at the National Security Agency, the CIA and the FBI would pick up and start to follow.

Within three days me, Zach, Will and Tanya were dragged into an FBI office location that I will keep anonymous.  From there we were interviewed by investigators from the FBI, Homeland Security and eventually "Debra" from the CIA.  The first two sets of investigators hardly believed a word we said.  We were threatened with being arrested for treason, computer hacking and possible espionage.  It wasn't until "Debra" finally did speak to me that things began moving in a favorable direction.  She had been promoted and moved to a different responsibility for her role in Bustani.  But she had the clearest insight to the traditional and nontraditional warfare that Bustanians had been using for years.  She was also impressed with all prior knowledge she had of me and my friends.  She basically pulled us out of arrest and fast tracked us down to another location in the Washington, DC area.

The computer tech's at the CIA room took Will's laptop and were able to tap into Jamila's laptop.  They then enhanced everything on screen and poured over the notes that we had and the locations that Masamba's messages were going out to.  There was at least 60 assassins who were given the order to "explode" but no one knew when, where or how they could sneak explosives into the country or past security check points.  In all of her research Debra could not find a single note that would or could explain the Simba custom of human combustion or explosion.  Just as her superiors were ready to push me out of the way again for being in over my head on national security issues, I reminded Debra that the Senegalese commander from the UN force in Bustani, Captain Amari Kanyomozi must have known something about the art, because he used the same principle to get the release of the first delegation prior to our arrival in Bustani last summer.

Within about 6 hours, and after numerous high level contacts were patched through, Captain Kanyomozi sent a video obtained by one of his slain troops via his cell phone shortly before that trooper was killed via collateral damage later that summer.  The video showed the two person "human bomb" that the suicide Simba's controlled by Masamba were using to kill their own and now others.   With the help of some top scientists from around the world, it was then theorized that due to the special nature of the Simba's body chemistry, through hundreds of years of natural, but powerful steroid absorption, they were able to use static electricity to ignite their bodies.  To enhance this explosive effect, they had to bath their skin cells in special toxic liniments  as well as ingest additional materials which accelerated the explosion process.

Once the video made its way through every Super Power national security department as well as other member nations of the  UN.  Almost within a blink of an eye, Masamba had become Public Enemy to the entire World.  Me and my friends were released after two days of debriefing.  It would take the next seven weeks before security forces around the world including the US, Russia, and China were able to round up the human bomb assassins using the locations of their email receptions.  Masamba himself would die of some mysterious illness that befell him.  I guess that's what happens when you try to assassinate the leaders of the world.  Miraculously a new leader for Bustani was established.  He was Bustani born, but London, England educated and served as a diplomat for Bustani relations in Russia.

I eventually chose to attend Harvard, since Jamila still expressed feelings of betrayal and mistrust.  I figured that it was probably wiser that I not be so close to her home turf in Georgetown.  Much to my surprise, she did chose Harvard as well and we reconciled our differences.  So I end this story by first thanking all of my readers out there for helping to choose peace over murder.  But, I'm also reminding you that mankind must remain vigilant to stay on guard against those who constantly try to turn our world into chaos - making us turn away from each other, rather than turn toward each other.